One of the most popular resolutions every New Year is to adopt a plant-based diet and help make the world a little more sustainable for future generations. It’s also a great way to improve ourselves. After all, we are what we eat and drink, and science confirms that the more meat and dairy we consume, the worse off we are!
Yes, our bodies need nutrients for growth and healing, as well as energy to sustain us during the day. But the truth is that not only do humans not need animal protein, but the overconsumption of meat can also raise the risk of serious health conditions and premature death and even adversely affect your mood.
Hence, many folks are switching to plant-based diets. This includes many business leaders and entrepreneurs who testify that saying no to meat has allowed them to perform better at their jobs.
Not sure going vegan will give you an edge in direct selling? Here are five reasons to help convince you.
1. Improves focus
Successful entrepreneurs are always alert, attentive to customers’ needs, and focused on the tasks at hand. Unfortunately, studies have found that those things can be difficult to maintain when loaded with meat and dairy.
In a nutshell, overconsumption of meat can cause inflammation, resulting in a lot of brain power being sapped as the body tries to cope.
A solution, thus, is to remove meat entirely and consume more foods that boost brain strength, like cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, and chestnuts.
2. Increases energy
Animal protein is dense. This means that the body has to work hard to break it down, causing energy levels to dip.
Conversely, legumes and seeds, even leafy veg, are easily digestible and ensure you’re energetic throughout the day. This can make a big difference when entrepreneurs are out and about meeting prospects and customers.
The bottom line here is that there’s no truth to the once-held belief that only meat fuels us up to deal with the rigours of the workday. Indeed, it’s quite the opposite.
3. Boosts immunity from diseases
Entrepreneurs tend to be forever focused on the health of their businesses. Yet, few of us take our physical well-being as seriously and eat healthily.
Surveys show that some entrepreneurs load up on junk and/or skip meals altogether to the detriment of their bodies.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. And adopting a plant-based diet of easy-to-prep immunity-boosting superfoods, like broccoli, kale, spinach and mushrooms, can ensure better immunity and fewer sick days.
4. Decreases stress
As rewarding as entrepreneurship is, it can be challenging at times. And meat consumption can add to the stress.
The main reason is that cortisol, the hormone that regulates the body’s “fight or flight” response, reacts adversely to animal protein and causes stress levels to rise, a situation that experts say poses a danger to cardiovascular health.
A plant-based diet, though, can work wonders and calm the nerves, allowing us to respond to problems more rationally.
5. Makes you happier and more productive

A plant-based diet isn’t just good for ensuring calmness. It can also make you happier, increasing your business’s bottom line.
A positive and happy brain makes us 31% more efficient and productive. And that can be heightened when you remove meat from your diet, firstly, due to the mood-boosting properties of plant-based food and secondly because you’re aware of how it helps the planet.
Vegans tend to be very concerned about environmental sustainability. So, knowing that you’re contributing to the betterment of the Earth by going meat-free makes you that much happier!
What you eat affects everyone and everything.
It’s important to remember that everything we do affects not just us but the entire planet. This is why QNET has been a meat-free organisation from Day 1 and why we believe that better business begins with all of us making conscious decisions for the betterment of ourselves and the health of Mother Earth.